Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Małopolska Organizacja na Rzecz Natury

I'm Miodek! A wonderful, approximately 4-year-old male kitten, sweet as honey! I wandered into a feeder in a town right next to the border with Ukraine. I was abandoned... I am not messy, I can use the litter box and I really like the company of people. I am a huge sweet tooth. I had contact with other cats when I lived on the street, but I am jealous, so I should have been an only cat. I will certainly be content with people just for myself. I have never had any contact with dogs. My past is a mystery - sometimes there are moments when I get scared of something and I am more cautious, but now I am open even to strangers and I eagerly expect stroking and scratching. I am already neutered, dewormed, vaccinated and microchipped. I also had blood tests - while the FeLV (leukemia) result is negative, the FIV (acquired immune deficiency virus) test showed two lines... What does this mean? Well, we are looking for a home without other cats, and my future guardian should ensure regular monitoring of my health (if nothing is happening, for example blood tests 1-2 times a year) and support with preparations to increase immunity, such as Immunoactiv. Important! The FIV virus does not threaten other animal species (including dogs) or humans. Additionally, with appropriate prevention and appropriate conditions, a cat can live for many years without secondary complications and clinical symptoms. My blood results are normal, and apart from the positive test result, I have absolutely no symptoms of illness. I am looking for a house with no access, with secured windows/balcony.

There is a pre-adoption procedure.
Contact regarding adoption: 509 508 074 or [email protected]

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